If you dont have me at your tradeshow, you have a missing persons situation

(thinking outside the box drawing leads to my client)

If you don't have me at your trade show, you have a missing person situation......
that's right you are missing persons leads that you could've got to follow up with later and your missing the only Me in the world and that unique, compelling x-factor I bring along that commands attention and draws eyeballs followed by butts moving towards your booth wanting to know more, wanting to hear back from you and wanting to do business with you.

I will tell you I think outside the box, ok, bad pun, but as the 2x winner of TV's World Magic Awards for Best Escape Artist (www.escapeguy.com), I can guarantee you that you will be impressed with the amount of leads generated and business that ends up in your account, not escaping to your competitors!

How far do I go to make sure no one escapes your message, would you believe I've even hung from the rafters upside down over my clients booth, escaping from a straitjacket and posing arms outstretched with their logo across my chest, making front page on both industry publications, you might say they were "heels over head" happy with the results.

Don't let your business escape, CALL ME TODAY: 310.845.6860
Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/escapeguy

The Great Escape Artist insists He's not the DEVIL

WILLISTON, FL– Michael Griffin escaped out of his final straightjacket. He pulled the last 40 separate and sharp needles from inside him, as they came from his mouth attached to seven feet of sting that he appeared to have swallowed with the needles.
It was Sunday evening (April 15) and the Levy County Fair had started to wind down from its four-day whirlwind of fun in Williston.
Griffin was among the performers who helped fair guests have a blast. He astounded audiences each time he wriggled out of a straightjacket, removed his hands from mitts made to stay on insane people, and quickly released himself from being tied by rope at his wrists. He told the audience his feats were pure muscle and movement.
The escape artist assured them there was no magic or demons or wizardry involved. He said this because, according to him, when he escaped from a trunk in a less civilized country, they wanted to kill him for using demons to let him out.